is the momference®?

The Momference® is powered by District Motherhued ® – the premier organization dedicated to creating experiences and providing resources for (millennial) moms of color based in the D.C. Metropolitan area. The Momference® is the premier, 3-day conference for bomb Black and Brown moms. The weekend boasts a celebrity keynote, regionally and nationally acclaimed mom influencers, panels, workshops, vendors and top-tier, multi-cultural focused products. The Momference® champions all things FUBU (For Us, By Us) and #BlackMomMagic. The Momference® is selflessly produced by our #MomSquad composed of 25 moms like you

Why was the
Momference® Created?
Parent organization, District Motherhued®, hosts popular monthly/quarterly gatherings that attract more interest than can be accommodated due to limited space/resources. The Momference® was conceptualized to fulfill not only the regional demand for District Motherhued® events, but to also provide a nationally acclaimed #BlackMomMagic experience.
After assessing the mom conference-sphere, there was a glaring observation: there had yet to be a full-scale conference created specifically for millennial moms of color. While several mom-centric conferences exist and attempt inclusivity, they fail to address the trends, needs and wants of young, black mothers.

The Founders
Nikki Osei-Barrett and Simona Noce Wright are mothers, strategic communicators, brand strategists, publicists, event planners and the brains behind the groundbreaking, premiere organization for millennial moms of color, District MotherHued®. Through organic social media engagement and unique events, our DC, MD, VA- based organization pioneered a regional mommy group movement, and is nationally sought out as the voice of black, millennial motherhood.
The MomSquad
Click on the pictures to learn a little about each mama on the Mom Squad!